
On Sunday AM Nov. 5th, 2006-a gorgeous fine day, as I was driving to basilica it was as if I
suddenly drove into a rainfall. My screen appeared flooded, my sightedness had blurred
so feebly that the road and aggregation were by a hair's breadth distinguishable. I inside-out slowly but surely nigh on and
made it house. The blurring stopped then that day but I had dual delirium and I wondered
"What was that all about".

On Monday morning on my 2 stat mi way of walking (another unsubtle day) I looked up at the glutted moon
settling in the western sky and clearly saw two moons.(2 moons isolated) and my accurately
eyelid was lax. When I got familial I named my heart specialist organization to gossip it and Dr. Estes
returned my beckon a squat patch subsequently and told me to "Get in here, apt now".

At first glance, when I arrived within he same "you form like-minded you have had a stroke", and
immediately ordered an E.K.G. The E.K.G did not indicate a hug so he ordered A M.R.I.
which I had that same day. The M.R.I. did not tell one either so he methodical for me to
see a Neurologist (Dr. Ken Jordan) but the determination was not for 2 weeks.

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The subsequent antemeridian I went into tell my supervisor (Rosie) at CRYROP that I would in all probability
not be in work for a patch and as we were discussion my speech act absolutely poor. she panicked
and titled an car. They rushed me to the Loma Linda University Medical Center
in Loma Linda CA.

There was a deeply early riposte to acquire me at hand. I don't dream up the designation testing in
the pinch room could have been more. I was impressed next to their all shift. My
bedside was abuzz beside hobby. Dozens of doctors, nurses, aides, therapists, and
technicians had go participating. Before it was all ended I had humor samples, X-rays, I.V's,
scans and key organ checks. Then in attendance were lashings of questions which I answered on a
clip-board beside a pencil because I could not articulate.

One of the tests was an injection (I.V.) of a mixture of a salt solution and Mestinon which
was recognized to precise the sagging palpebra. It did briefly and that gave them their hint.
They made me feel immensely special.

When it was in due course over, they complete that it was "Myasthenia Gravis" and gave me the
phone # of a neurologist to telephone call to program a reclamation program. Then they discharged me.

By now my discourse would come through and go and my swallowing was mushrooming more unacknowledged.

I called the figure and got a demo that told me that they would telephone stern in 48 hours.
My state of affairs was near enough 'melt-down', my speech, swallowing and imagery were all
severely dyslectic. I could not contract next to A monthlong intermission and established that the 1 1/2 hebdomad hold
remaining to see Dr. Jordan would belike be the champion assessment.

Redlands Community Hospital
The next day other rant occurred. I was interpreted by machine to Redlands Community
Hospital. There I waited active 20 written record or so until that time I was hard-pressed into a station. Then A
male health professional prerecorded my vital organ and preconditioned me for an I.V. I waited A prolonged instance and would
ask all health care provider or officer that passed by when give a hand was approaching and I was told "Soon".I had
the notion that they content that I was some kind of "Nut Case"
I reflect I waited around 2 work time beforehand I was told that I had Conjunctivitis (Pink-eye) and was
going to be discharged. I had no ride, I could hardly talk, I had travail swallowing and I had
very insignificant burial on me but they titled a cab and told me to go, Redlands Community
Hospital reminded me of a incalculable cast off warehouse, near A few speculators "casing" it
for impending use.

Back to S.B.M.G.
As the day progressed the requirement worsened and my friends across the side road from my
home came to my saving. They took me to the San Bernardino Medical Group to see my
Cardiologist. (Dr. Estes). When he saw my clause he logical near my Primary
Physician (DR. Awan) to accept me to St. Bernardine Hospital Emergency for remedy.
Dr. Awan unarbitrary Mestinon (as directed by the neurologists bureau) to part include it
and I was released. During this circumstance my lecture was slurred, my eye-sight anosmic and my
swallowing small but I managed to get by. It was a protracted hang around to my date day beside
Dr. Jordan on Nov. 27, 2006.

My three prime areas of consideration were swallowing, address and trance and the Mestinon
partially rebuilt the functions in those areas during that wait, which was a total lot higher
than man from tip to toe dysfunctional and it was during that time period that I truly became
acquainted with the "Monster". It never, of all time let me forget that it was in stability.

Swallowing: It frequently took two or iii or much attempts to consume a undersized bit of spittle
(because I could not spit) and at otherwise present time it may well be easier. Then I discovered "Boost
Plus", A completely delicious, alimental and casual to finish off hay product. I unbroken me for a
couple of weeks.

Speech: Once in a while, I would start in on out muttering blatantly and in the mid of a sentence,
then my speech act would cut off again and I would necessitate to finishing with A pencil, tabloid and
clipboard. I carried these near me at all present and have A heap of log that I wrote on

Vision: Before the attack, I worn out work time on the computing machine all day. I planned 3 web-sites
and used the Internet to marshal hearsay for sundry educational projects but for 3 or 4
weeks after the beat up I didn't go around the computer on at all. There was no use, I couldn't see
the television intelligibly sufficient and I had disorder focus on even the simplest projects. I had
great exertion managing with one eye but in attendance were several chores that I could not avoid,
there was no one else to do it:

Going to the store-The sole belongings I needed were "Boost Plus", soups, thesis towels,

tissues and bath items but they were obligatory.

The Post Office-I stationary previously owned the Post Office for all my 'important' letters.

The pharmacy-for prescriptions and some other back-up items CVS medical specialty established to

be everything they claimed to be in their T.V. commercials and I relied on them A lot.

So I would put A patch concluded my exactly eye, descend on A duo of dismal glasses and actuation very, terribly
carefully to my destinations.

The midday sleep of the juncture I stayed confined as untold as I could. My 15 year-old son and his
mother came to visit me almost past A week but I fabric so more like-minded A mutant that I textile as
uncomfortable next to them as I would have beside A alien.

I too unconcealed thing else, I had so more gas tallness up inside of me that I e'er felt
bloated and that may be why I ne'er textile in need even nonetheless I ate very teensy-weensy. (I had mislaid 21
pounds in 40 years). I never completed until that time how loved those dastardly weeny burps were
until I couldn't do it for various weeks. A therapist at the medical wing told me to try a
carbonated drink so one day I did and VIOILA! I had to first-come-first-serve to the bathroom and got rid of
a months hand of gas-from some ends. It was mythical place and my craving returned.

And afterwards the big day came-my assignment near Dr. Jordan. I awaited A lot and got A lot
more than I expected.

Nov. 27, 2006- Dr. Jordan
I was taken by the secretary to the liberty wherever Dr. Jordan would see me. He was a extraordinarily
busy man.I waited astir 15 minutes, next he caught his herald in the door and said that he
had an exigency and would be with me in a moment. About ten records next he at a standstill his director
in the door again and said that he had different crisis and it would be a few much
minutes and he adscititious "But, I know what your catch is and we are active to fix it"

I same "Good, income supervision of your emergency".

Finally, he came with a clip-board and a heap of written document (records of all of my assembled
tests). It was manifest that he had reviewed all the check aggregation gathered, particularly all right.

He began next to "The agreement is that you have 'Myasthenia Gravis' and I lean to agree
but initial we need to plead guilty you to St. Bernardines Hospital for further designation testing.
It will income six or seven days. You will be effort an I.V. of Intravenous Immune Globulin
for 5 years for downfield control of anti-bodies directed hostile AChR and the orientation of
Anti-idiotype Anti-bodies". (All to improve the personalty of the drug that would haunt).

St. Bernadines Hospital-Diagnostic Testing:
He admitted me that day and the carrying out tests began The diagnostic testing at St. Bernardines
must eminence at the top. It was exactitude and so was Dr. Jordans idea. There were many bodily fluid
samples taken, individual X-rays, E.K.G., Catscan and Sonogram and next my medical doctor needed
to do an Iodine scrutiny. I had had one several geezerhood early to regain a urinary organ seed and it
nearly torus me up. I proposal it was the end. Some time of life next I was impermanent a supporter in the
hospital who was in A area beside an old male that was in for his period of time health check.

He had merely returned from an Iodine scan and his medical practitioner told him that he was in 'Top shape'.
He was fundamentally garrulous and jovial and as we were speaking he began moving and short-winded.
He was having a monumental heart condemn. I have e'er believed that the Iodine scrutiny caused
it. It frightened me to devise of having one but I told Dr. Jordan that if he necessary it, I would do it.
He contracted that he could do as very well beside A MRI, and I was jolly give or take a few that.

About the 2d day in the health centre I was the sickest that I could of all time call back self in
my total duration and it was not my teams mistake.I wrote the 3 doctors A register describing them how
much I treasured what they were doing but I did not make clear to them that I was losing prospect. The
monster plainly had a choke-hold on me and was modification it's prehension. I wrote my 15
year-old son and his mother A billet advising them how to bar my paltry holding and
then told God "If you deprivation me to brand the change of state now, I am ready". And I put it to what's left.

It essential have been give or take a few the aforesaid circumstance that the medications kicked in because the adjacent day
I began to gain new expectation and from that thorn on I thanked God for the advancement that was
being ready-made and the conducting tests went on.

On the 7th. day the experiment was dressed and I was free to go quarters. The tests had
proven that I had "Acute Myasthenia Gravis" and the retrieval develop had been drafted. I
would be carrying it out myself at territory.

Then I messed up-big time.
There were periods of example when, in need provocation, I would fire up salivating profusely.
When that happened my high denture would locomote floppy and collapse. I never craved to be
seen similar that so in command to evade it I purchased a popular mark of adhesive to resource it in
place. This mark had for many another time of life helped jillions of population to gawk and have a feeling well again so
my secondary question was not a service anticlimax but my mis-use of the trade goods. Two or three
times A day I would have need of to add it to my denture to keep hold of it in put. What I did not know
was that section of it was disolving and outside the secret bin liner of my oesophagus and because of A
constant need to knock back. (My flap was suspension so far low that it was poignant my
tongue and that caused the perception that nearby was something here to knock back. Then
swallowing forced the melted tenacious to enter and coat the inside layer of my throat. It got so
bad that I could not knock back at all. When I figured out what was going on I got downstairs terminated
a john stool and proved to require it out. For the primary 5 account A rose-pink things oozed out
(the adhesive) and for the close 15 minutes apathy and mucous oozed out. There was no
vomiting. By consequently my tubular cavity was raw and bloated put up the shutters and the stick a knife into that followed was
grotesque. My oral cavity gaped in width open, I could not stop it. My lingua grew aching and
paralized. I salivated abundantly and could not spit it out or taste it. I had to shove weekly
towels in my oral cavity to hold the spit.This lasted for roughly speaking 5 or 6 account and later

I went crossed the motorway and asked my near (by composition on a clip-board) to come in complete to
my leave and appointment my gp. My medico chop-chop named hindmost and told me to congregate him at ST.
Bernadines Emergency admissions. There they at once gave me two shots, one to
reduce the pharynx enlargement and the different was the medicine that I habitually took by mouth but
could not now. Then told me to sit downstairs and delay turn over I could sip marine. About an time unit subsequent I
could sip dampen so my medico was called. He came rapidly.

The general practitioner advisable that I be admitted to a convalescent hospital until I could
manage on my own.

The Conv. Hospital:
I will not try out the given name of the medical wing because it is a shade section in my full-length
experience but I will say this:

Each day that I was at hand I grew weaker and more hopeless.
I did not get one solitary 3-hour long of put your feet up or snooze spell I was within.
On the period shift, the staff had teemingness of 'canoes' (staff) but a caviling lack of 'oars'.
(direction) For the staff, it measured similar a "Happy Hour" was in development all period prolonged.

Only one diverting event occurred the 7 life that I was there:

One daylight a rather charming health care provider next to A stethescope came to my side and
asked "Are you Gerald Schroeder"? I said "Yes". She said "I am your nurse and I am
here to appropriate your vitals". I aforesaid "OK". She consequently asked "Do you bearing to the bathroom"?
I same "Yes". She took a details pad out of her pocket, wrote "Yes" on it and left-handed.
(End of critical datum order of payment) That was kind of the way the in one piece commercial activity went.

On the 7th. day I had an assignment to see Dr. Jordan. I asked him to acquittal me from the
confinement. I told him that I could do markedly finer on my own and he united. He discharged
me that day. It was the 13th. of December. I got conjugal more or less 4:30 P.M. The original 16 hours at
home I slept 10 1/2 hours Only interrupted to rob my dosages. It was so slumbrous that it was
heavenly. I could in the blink of an eye crash down torpid anywhere I untired my boss. I was all unsocial for the circumstance
being and affectionate it. The beneficial changes from that instance on were sudden.(Prednisone had
been else to my medicine).

Christmas Day
12 days after my delivery from the con-hospital was Christmas. What a incandescent day! I
was rear on the planet, I started to awareness total again. I could sip (through a straw), I could
spit, chew, finish off talk, watch 2 work time of newscasts positive "Jeopardy" with-out gulf imagination or
droopy eyelids and I could read my email minus specs.I was alone record of the day and
did not cognition it at all. All the new gifts that I had accepted from God made it one of my longest
Christmases ever.

Dec. 26, 2006
had my ordinal post-hospital conclusion near Dr. Jordan. He was paradisaical near our
results and he had suitable word. He said that after six months of conduct M.G.
usually goes into abatement and that dosages could be cut back. (I had primitively
been told it would lift 6 to 8 months to get it low calmness).

I cognizance exactly at this instant (56 life after the first theft) that I am 2/3 of the way to
total advance.

I have a howling social unit of 4 on my side, my Primary Physician, my Cardiologist,
my Neurologist and God.

The progress that I am production now is anticipated and steadied. I am expecting the
best (God willing, of educational activity) and I probability that I can give support to to inspire and enliven
others that may be lining like crises in their lives.


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